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PBSC 4-22-08 Addendum
The following is an Addendum to the Minutes from the Public Building and Site Commission’s Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 in the conference room at Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown, CT.  William Furrier, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.  This is a re-cap of the discussion section of the meeting:

High School Expansion Project:  Fletcher-Thompson Joe Costa gave a Summary of the Plan Review Record from the State Department of Education, Bureau of School Facilities.  (See Attached).

Mr. Costa informed the Commission that many of the points of this report are easily met with minor re-construction and minimal expense to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).  

Mr. Costa discussed the discussed the following points specifically:

-       Stadium Concession Stand:  Several area’s will be corrected i.e., a new stainless steal sink will be installed and the removal of the current bathroom type sink is planned.  The Stainless Steal sink will be handicapped accessible.
-       Stadium Seating:  Mr. Costa stated that the ADA requires that there be accessible seating on the upper deck and the lower deck of the cement bleachers.  He informed the Commission that they will achieve this by putting a ramp up from ground level to the first row of seats.
-       Baseball Field Dugout – The dugout needs to be accessible the roof and the dugout are going to be raised to meet this requirement.  There is no need for   a dug-out because you do not have seating behind that it would block.

Mr. Costa reassured the Commission that these are re-reimbursable expenses.  

Mr. Costa also informed the Commission that the State Traffic Commission meeting that was to be held on April 15, 2008 was cancelled and the STC is now deferred to May 6, 2008.  This will push the dates for bid applications back to May 7 or 8th.  

Morganti Representative, Ed Barrett, discussed the installation of a gas line to the High School.  Mr. Barrett stated that the line will be run along side the waterline.    

Clerk of the Works:  The First Selectman, Joseph Borst, attended the Building & Site Meeting to discuss the Application for the Clerk of the Works.  The Board of Selectmen met and discussed the job description that was presented to them.  They suggested that using a Job Management company would make more sense.  Mr. Catalina stated that they do not feel comfortable doing that because the last time the town used a management company, on the Reed Intermediate construction project it did not go so well.


Mr. Furrier concurred that an individual Clerk of the Works would work out better because this individual would be responsible for reporting to the Building and Site Commission.  This person would also be responsible for attending to the work being done at the actual construction site, i.e. the Newtown High School,  and would make sure that everything was being done correctly and in a timely manner.  

Mr. Mulholland stated that a new outline of the Clerk of the Works duties should be written but kept in Draft Form.  (See Attached).

The New Town Hall:  Dave Cravanzola gave an update to the Building & Site Commission about the progress to the New Town Hall project.

Mr. Cravanzola informed the Commission that the State Traffic Certificate was on the Agenda for the April 15, 2008 State Traffic Commission meeting that was cancelled so it will now go on the May 6, 2008 meeting pushing back the bid dates to June causing a start date some time in July of 2008.

Mr. Cravanzola also presented several Change Orders for review by the Building and Site Commission.

Mr. Cravanzola reported that Change Order’s Numbered 1 & 6 were the only two that did not have anything to do with Hazardous Materials.  Mr. Furrier suggested that they discuss those two first and discuss the Hazardous Materials all together.

Change Order #1 – This Change Order outlined the demolition of the ceiling and of the South Wall of Office 108 and the removal of the West wall of Bakery 107.  Mr. Cravanzola explained that this change occurred because it was most prudent to remove the walls.  Mr. Cravanzola stated that the original bid was $5,500.00 but was negotiated down to $4000.00 that was paid out of the contingency fund.  (See Attached).  

Mr. Mulholland made the point that any change orders need to be brought to the Building & Site Commission.  Mr. Cravanzola agreed that all Change Orders would be shown to the Building & Site Commission.  Mr. Cravanzola was concerned as to who would approve the orders.  Mr. Furrier informed him that the Building & Site Commission would be the final approval.  

Change Order #6 -   This Change Order had several credits for work that was not needed to be performed but was included in the base bid.  (See Attached).

Change Order #2 – This Change Order has to do with the abatement of asbestos in the Bakery 107.  (See Attached).

Change Order #3 – This Change Order is for abatement of asbestos-coated wire in the ovens in Bakery 107.  (See Attached).

Change Order #4 – This Change Order is for additional asbestos abatement to Bridgeport Hall that was not included in the original report by TRC.  (See Attached).

Change Order #5 – This Change Order is for the removal of asbestos contaminated portions of Bridgeport Hall.  It was more prudent to remove the contaminated material and separate it from non-contaminated materials and to transport the hazardous material to a regulated land fill.  (See Attached).

The Building & Site Commission also discussed with Mr. Cravanzola the roof on Bridgeport Hall.  

Mr. Mullholland inquired if the building was going to receive a new roof as was recommended by the Architect.  Mr. Cravanzola stated that at this time, the budget did not include a new roof but a clean-up of the existing roof.  A new roof was considered an Ad-alternate.  

Mr. Furrier asked what the estimated life of the roof was.  Mr. Cravanzola said he would bring the architects report to the next Building & Site Meeting so the Commission they could see how the roof was evaluated.

Mr. Mitchell said that the roof was probably built in the 1970’s therefore making it over 35 years old.  

Mr. Furrier stated that the Building & Site Commission was going to strongly recommend that Bridgeport Hall receive a new roof.  

Mr. Mulholland also asked about the windows on the building.  Mr. Cravanzola explained that the windows in the front of the building will be historically rehabilitated to keep the look of the building the same.  The windows in the kitchen will be replaced with new aluminum ones.  
Senior Center:  Mr. Mulholland informed the Commission that the Senior Center addition is almost completed.  The patio still needs to be done and that will be done by Public Works.  The new addition is not officially opened to the public.  The heating system was tested and balanced and a letter was written by the engineer stating that it meets all of the codes.

Mr. Mulholland stated that everyone should go see it once it is opened possibly at a “Grand Opening” ceremony.  

Mr. Mulholland also recommended that the Building & Site Commission write a letter of commendation to the contractor stating what a great job he did on this project.  Mr. Mulholland also said he would draft the letter.